Lord Of The Rings Star Dominic Monaghan Discusses Most Difficult Scene To Film

Actor Dominic Monaghan, who played Merry in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings film series, has spoken about the most difficult scene in the entire series for him to film. Speaking to IGN, Monaghan said it was the Gray Havens scene at the end of The Return of the King, and what made it so difficult was the emotional weight of it and the fact that they had to film it three times.

“If you were to ask all four of us, ‘Pick a scene you can guarantee you only have to do once and not go back to,’ we probably would have said Grey Havens, just cause we were all there weeping like children,” he said. “So, doing it three times, I definitely think that the third version that I did, the one that’s in the film, is probably not quite as hysterical in terms of the state that I’m in as the first one, or possibly even the second one. So, that was tough.”

Monaghan said Jackson wanted the four main Hobbits to be “a mess” when it came to their vulnerability and sadness over saying go…